Million Dollar Mobile Homes!
Million Dollar Mobile Homes!
Trailer trash? Think again! Ever noticed that whenever there is something hidden from the main public view that's exceptional, celebrities flock to it like moths to a light bulb? Here's a case in point! This just might have you second guessing yourself and prove that your preprogramming might be flawed. Just one more valid reason to think about downsizing and living a more reasonable life! Who would have thought! A mobile home can be just as glamorous as you are!
Know how all the great styles start in California and eventually work their way across to the east coast? Well, brace yourself. In a few years you too could opt for an upscale home in a trailer park! Don't snicker. These Malibu homes are probably more luxurious than where you live now! This is the new hot thing in CA and you could be a trend setter in your own right by getting ahead of the game right now. Only those of vision need apply. Of course these are overlooking the Pacific, but picture one all gussied up on your own 5 acres. These, of course, have marble floors, granite countertops and Subzero, but why couldn't you do the same since the staggering savings on the doublewide will pay for anything your heart desires?
New vision; affordable future. These are all gone at the moment. More reason to do your own! Paradise Cove mobile homes cost up to $2.5m.