The Volcano Home!
The Volcano Home!
Back in the 60's when we were living in the Land of Plenty, the mainstream enjoyed turning up their noses at what they considered Hippie architecture. Since the Hippies had more time to sit around and think. . .at elevated heights . . while the Yuppies worked 18-hour days for the big bucks, it now appears that the Hippies were on to something, and here is one more classic example!
We love dome houses because they're highly energy efficient and can't easily be blown away or over. This spring, that's more meaningful than usual. This one's great because while you're customizing it to your taste, there's a nice guest house down below that would keep you very comfortable and on site! This dome home sits at the pinnacle of a volcanic cone, half way between LA and Las Vegas in the high desert. Looking at the design from below and how it looks at night with interior lights lit, we can barely suppress our giggles thinking that many traveling on the highway below are probably convinced they are seeing an extraterrestrial vehicle!
You'll want to speak to the agency to get the details on this dome regarding the details of energy efficiency in the original construction. The pictures of the interior show great architectural features such as the spectacular wood and beam ceiling. Looks like we saw a pool out of the corner of our eye too.
For people who like to push the edges, this will be just like living in a volcano on the moon!