Staten Island Home Built by the Vanderbilts!
Staten Island Home Built by the Vanderbilts!
This elegant Victorian English Manor house was built by the Vanderbilts in 1910. Sited on an acre with beautiful views of the harbor, the sweeping lawns with mature trees and gardens remind us of the years when the wealthy could insulate themselves from the bustle of city life by surrounding themselves with extensive grounds. This is one such property.
Though we can only see inside with an appointment for showing, we already know the craftsmanship of the era and considering the Vanderbilt wealth at the time the house was built, we feel sure only the best craftsmen were used. That would mean elaborate mantles, moldings and staircases and huge rooms intended for housing large families and grand entertaining. We would hate to see a developer dismantle the house and put up multiple buildings. Instead, someone who would love to have their own private park in NYC and enhance the house through an expert renovation would be ideal. Likely too the house would qualify for the National Historic Register that may contribute to the renovation.
When we think of all the humanity crammed into cubby hole apartments wall to wall with their neighbors, the Vanderbilt house and grounds are like a breath of fresh air for NYC dwellers. Adults can enjoy the views from the porch and the children can romp and play over the yard. Even the family pets will be free to roam within the confines of the property making a doggie park search a thing of the past. Freedom. Freedom to be you and for your family to at long last let their hair down.
Now you can have the excitement of the city and have the calm of the country together at last! Needs work but a bargain for NYC. Priced at $3.2m.