Judy Garland Home For Sale!
Judy Garland Home For Sale!
Except for the kidney shaped pool, it's hard to believe this home was built in 1938 In the Golden Age of Hollywood. What a history! Not only did one of the most important songbirds of the 20th Century have this home designed for herself by the well-known architect, Wallace Neff, but it has been home to quite a number of celebrities such as Quincy Jones, Marvin Gaye, & Jerry Magnin, not to mention how many it has hosted!. Did you know that Judy's last name was Gumm? She lived in this house with her mother, Ethel Gumm, until Judy remarried and moved out in 1941. We understand it was this house that Judy always considered her real home though she finally lived in London where she died in 1969 at the age of 47. Lived in for the last 35 years by the same owner, the house has elegant huge rooms, a true chef's kitchen that looks out over the garden, and has been updated with all the elegant building materials of today. The pool has separate cabanas and there's even a little writer's cabin on the property. This beautiful oasis of old Hollywood can now be yours!
Source: www.1231stonecanyon.com