New York Church, School & Convent Auction!
New York Church, School & Convent Auction!
On May 14th a rare auction is going to take place. This is a huge property in a residential setting that will certainly tempt developers. Oops! Guess any form of the word "temptation" is tabu in descripting this property . . . it's a church and convent! You've seen what clever people have done with churches in the past, from the small country church to city churches, many have been turned into elegant spacious homes! But this one is huge and would cause you to have the nicest house in the neighborhood . . not a good real estate move, but what else it could be and how it could be used is nothing less than thrilling!
The buildings consist of the church, convent, school and rectory and the grounds are large enough for a whole housing development. The rectory and convent are already set up as housing and the church would make a remarkable community clubhouse. It already has a gorgeous basketball court!
However, if you plan to house a topless bar on the property, the Bishop will nix it as being against the teachings of the Church. Just a little heads up! The Bishop isn't going to allow any business going in he feels is in any way suspect!