Pennsylvania Compound & Retreat!
Pennsylvania Compound & Retreat!
Must SeeTop 10 Florida Condos For SaleIt takes a woman with vision, a lot of persistence and money to take an old Pennsylvania farmstead and turn it into an artistic, magical retreat. Such was the case with Esther Dormer. A founder of the venture capital fund, Future Fund, Esther was looking for a place in the country close to Pittsburgh as a getaway spot for herself, her airline-captain husband and their two young children. It was love at first sight and she bought it on the spot for the full price on her first visit. Knowing nothing about farming but with 150 acres of tillable land, Dormer realized she could grow nutritious food for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank that would be of higher quality than the usual canned donations. Dormer jumped right in to the farm work and worked it for seven years. It gave her children a hands on education about how food is produced, and though there were volunteers to harvest the crops, everyone pitched in. When the children got older and their interests became more peer-related, Esther decided it was time to do something creative with the property. The buildings and landscape slowly morphed into works of art and inspiration. The final result, with crystal chandeliers next to worn barn wood, mossed-mirror frames, to firelight flickering in containers around the property at night, creates a magical atmosphere for living and entertaining.
Now going to absolute auction on May 6th, the highest bidder will win a retreat that has been featured on Bravo’s "Property Envy," "The New York Times" and numerous design magazines. Included are 150 rolling acres only 15 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh, with guest house, recreation club, entertainment pavilion, two glass conservatories, seven stocked ponds, waterfall and amphitheater that seats 800 people. The property comes fully furnished with such artistic treasures as a pool table covered in hammered, studded aluminum.
Pennsylvania retreat admired by decorators around the globe, going to auction on May 6th. Selling absolute.