Nelson Rockefeller’s Medicare Apartment!
Nelson Rockefeller's Medicare Apartment!
Must SeeTop 10 Florida Condos For SaleWith Paul Ryan as the new Republican VP candidate, Medicare has become the latest political hot potato. The Dems and the GOP are trading accusations back and forth about whose policies are best for the program's future.
Health insurance for seniors was also a touchy subject back in 1960 when Nelson Rockefeller met with Richard Nixon in secret at Rockefeller's Manhattan apartment to draft a Republican platform for that year’s famous presidential campaign, which included groundwork for what would eventually become Medicare. Rockefeller's Fifth Avenue apartment is currently for sale at $27.5 million.
At that time, Nixon told the press, "Our program for health insurance for the aged shall provide insurance on a sound financial basis through a contributory system under which beneficiaries have the option of purchasing private health insurance." GOP leader Barry Goldwater was not happy with the idea, calling Nixon a sell-out and Rockefeller the "leader of the Republican left." Nixon lost the 1960 election but health insurance for senior citizens became a reality in 1965 when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare Act. Former President Harry Truman was the first person to enroll in Medicare.
Rockefeller and his first wife, Mary, owned the top three floors of 810 Fifth Avenue. After their divorce, Nelson gave the top two floors to Mary, kept the bottom floor, and then bought an apartment on the same floor in the building next door, 812 Fifth Avenue. He broke through the wall between the two buildings and created the apartment that is currently for sale. The home has nice Central Park views, a 47’ living room with 2 fireplaces, a formal dining room and a library with full bath.
Former VP & NY Governor Rockefeller's NYC apartment for sale at $27.5 million.